La Chamoniarde mountain conditions report for 6 September 2024.
The brief but intense storm on Thursday 5 September deposited 25/30cm of snow on the Aiguille du Midi (it was white and beautiful this morning!). As a result, conditions have improved a little on the arête. The normal route on the Tacul doesnt look very inviting. A large slab has released on Maudit. Some snow on the ledges on the south face of the Aiguille du Midi (see photo below). The traverse of the Vallée Blanche was retracked this morning. Be careful, this snow hides the dryness of some routes and the fragile snow bridges on approaches.

Albert 1er
A little snow above 3,200m. The Arête de la Table is white but the snow will melt quickly. Good conditions on the route. On the other hand, the rimaye on the normal route is very technical and challenging (see photo below).

The Col Supérieur du Tour is dry and sandy.
Teams on the normal routes of Tête Blanche and Petite Fourche (a few crevasses opening up on the route).
You can climb on the rock routes behind the refuge but its all over for the Grandes Jorasses, which is plastered.
Some Early Autumn Logistical Information
As a reminder, the Requin - Argentière - Charpoua refuges are now closed.
The Durier and Plan Glacier huts will close tomorrow evening, Saturday 7 September.
In the "moyenne montagne", the Pierre à Bérard hut has been closed for a week.
Ski lifts:
The Vallorcine cable car is closed. The Le Tour and Prarion lifts will close on Sunday evening, 8 September.
Tramway du Mont-Blanc: the autumn timetables have been put in place, but there are still special trains for mountaineers with reservations in the refuges (departures at 7.00am - 12.00pm - 3.00pm and returns at 8.12am - 1.12pm - 4.12pm).
Aiguille du Midi: autumn timetable with the first departure at 8.10am and the last descent at 4.30pm.
Translated with kind permission from an original report by La Chamoniarde.
Readers are reminded that conditions in mountain environments are prone to (sometimes rapid) change and that they should use their own best judgement when visiting them.