Welcome to the

Alpine Club


The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

Becoming a Member


Alpine Club Guidance on Child Protection


These guidance notes draw upon the information provided to clubs by the BMC via their Child Safeguarding (under 18s) documentation.  This information is provided by the BMC to help clubs and their members act reasonably and prudently in the area of Child Safeguarding and assist them in fulfilling their duty of care.  

As a club with no members under the age of 18, by law we do not need to have a Child Protection Policy per se.  However, as a club with both meets and events where children (under 18s) are in attendance, the organisers and participants of these meets and events need to be clear that:

The Alpine Club is aware of its responsibility to protect children when engaged in any AC activities

Key is that the Club and the Club’s officers, where there are children (under 18s) involved in any Club activity, have a duty of care towards these children (under 18s).

In particular, organisers of meets and/or events need to be informed and aware of their responsibility of care when there are children (under 18s) present, and where necessary have parental consent forms in place. 

The parents and participants on meets and/or at events are aware of their responsibilities in accordance with the guidance set out in this paper.  

Children (under 18s) are allowed to attend Alpine Club and jointly organised meets only if their parents/carers are also taking part in that meet or have designated another adult Member to act in loco parentis and have signed the loco parentis form. 

However, organisers of Alpine Club meets may, in some circumstances, where they feel it inappropriate for children to attend, specify that no one under 18 can attend.

 designated adult” in this document refers to an adult that the parent/carer(s) of a child (under 18) have designated to act in loco parentis and have completed and signed the ‘loco parentis’ form (available in the Appendix) to that effect.  

Attendance on camping meets in the UK and Abroad 

All AC camping meets (including those that share camping with hotel and/or hut attendance) are open to Alpine Club Members’ children (under 18s) accompanied by at least one parent/carer or designated adult Member acting in loco parentis.  Once on a meet, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer/designated adult to ensure that their children are accompanied by an adult who has "loco parentis" responsibility e.g. if several families have children of different ages, and activities are planned depending upon the age group, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer/designated adults of these families to agree among themselves. The AC co-ordinator of the meet must make this clear to all those taking part.

Attendance on Hut based meets at the George Starkey and all other huts

The first thing an organiser or the person booking a hut for an AC meet must do is acquire a copy of the relevant hut’s Child Protection Policy (CPP). All huts where children are allowed will have a CPP 

and it is the responsibility the organiser of the meet to make all participants and parent/carer/designated adults aware of the hut’s Child Protection Policy and ensure compliance with it by all Alpine Club Members and their guests attending the meet.


Other Club Events organised elsewhere

The attendance of children (under 18s) at any Club event organised elsewhere is subject to that venue’s Safeguarding Policy.


Club Events at 55 Charlotte Road and other AC lecture venues

Children under 18 may attend all such events with a parent/carer/designated adult.  It must be made clear in the event publicity that children (under 18s) can attend only with a parent/carer/designated adult.

In the case of Charlotte Road, it will be made clear during the introduction that children are present.

It will be the responsibility of the parent/carer/designated adult(s) to decide if the facilities in other locations are suitable for children (under 18s) to attend (e.g. at the hotel/pub/community hall lectures in Wales, the Lakes, SW, etc.) 


School/Youth Club Visits to Charlotte Road

It is a condition of making a booking for a visit or a room hire booking that involves children (under 18s) that a copy of the school/organisation’s Safeguarding Policy is provided to the Office Manager.  

Children (under 18s) must be supervised at all times.


Questions and Responses

Q. I am a Meet Organiser for one of the Club’s camping meets.  A member has contacted me to say that they would like to bring their grandchild/niece/nephew or a friend’s child with them when they attend the camping meet.  Can they do this?

R. Yes.  The Member will need to inform the child’s parent/carer(s) of the activities and arrangements and have their written consent on the loco parentis form.  Once on a meet, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer/designated adult to ensure that their children are accompanied by an adult who has "loco parentis" responsibility e.g. if several families have children of different ages, and activities are planned depending upon the age group, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer/designated adults of these families to agree among themselves. The AC co-ordinator of the meet must make this clear to all those taking part.

All meets and event organisers should read the BMC Child Safeguarding Club Guidelines available on the BMC website.  https://www.thebmc.co.uk/bmc-child-protection-information  Appendix 3




AC Consent form for adult in loco parentis




I give consent for my child  ...................................................................date of birth …………….


to accompany ...................................................................... (name of adult)


to ………………………………………………………………… 


from (date) ........................................... to ...............................



In the event of illness or an accident requiring emergency hospital treatment, I authorise the adult named on this form to sign on my behalf any written form of consent required by the hospital authorities, if the delay required to obtain my own signature is considered inadvisable by the doctor or surgeon concerned.


Where the visit involves overnight accommodation, I have been informed about the nature of the accommodation and the likely sleeping arrangements.  I understand that huts may have communal facilities which include communal sleeping arrangements.  


I understand that the above adult will endeavour to ensure that appropriate sleeping accommodation will be arranged for my child with regard to age and gender and with regard to the needs of other members present.



Signed ..........................................................(parent/carer) Date ....................      


Address ..............................................................................................


Tel ...............................................   Mobile .........................................



This form is to be completed by the parent/carer(s) and given to the adult named above before the activity or visit takes place.

CLICK HERE to download form

Latest Articles

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  • Bill Ruthven +

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  • 2025 AC Photo Competition +

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  • Richard Gowing +

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  • 1

Upcoming Events

  • 12 Mar - 25 Mar
  • 28 Mar - 05 May




Use the boxes below to explore the expeditions section


Any questions relating to expeditions ? send us an email.


The AC and the MEF can provide funding for certain expeditions, the AC also has a climbing grant for AC teams


The AC holds a vast library of material relating to expeditions both online and on paper


Expeditions are at the core of the Alpine Club's purpose and culture. Use the boxes on the left to navigate the expedition section.


Any questions relating to expeditions? Send us an email.


The AC and the MEF can provide funding for certain expeditions, the AC also has a climbing grant for AC teams


The AC holds a vast library of material relating to expeditions both online and on paper.