Welcome to the

Alpine Club


The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

Becoming a Member


Alpine Club Advertising Policy

The Club’s Advertising Policy

The Alpine Club offers limited paid advertising in the Alpine Journal, the Club’s printed Newsletter and Website.  

The Club provides free classified advertising to members in the Club’s printed Newsletter.  In order for an advert to be posted on the Club's website, the advertised benefit to the Club's members MUST be either unique to the Club or better than can be obtained by the Club’s members through being an affiliated member of the BMC. On other, very rare, occasions other advertising may be considered.

The Club supports members’ expeditions via a branded Climbing Fund. The Club and themembership are extremely grateful for this support.  

Those businesses and individuals wishing to promote and advertise to the Club’s membership should note that the Club will only do so if the request for promotion is information on mountaineering and climbing that the Club believes would be of interest to the membership.  

Any business that would like to advertise in the Alpine Journal or would like to offer our members a discount or other offer, is asked to contact the Club’s Office Manager at Alpine Club, 55 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3QF, UK or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Honorary Secretary, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For a more detailed explanation of the Club’s Advertising Policy please see below.


Printed Material

The Alpine Club publishes an annual Journal, a Newsletter, a selection of climbing guides to the key alpine areas and a range of Christmas cards.

Alpine Journal

The Alpine Journal, the Club’s annual flagship printed publication, is a substantial annual record of mountaineering achievement which has been published continuously since 1859. It is issued free to members and provided free to other alpine clubs and mountaineering clubs around the world.  A small number is sold to the general public.

All advertising in the Journal is paid advertising.  

Anyone wishing to advertise in the Alpine Journal should contact the Club’s Office Manager at 55 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3QF, UK or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Newsletter is published three times a year.  The Newsletter will include advertising, including special offers on publications.  The Newsletter provides free classified advertising to current members. Serial adverts are not normally accepted.  Members’ free classified adverts should be sent to the Club’s Office Manager, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the Honorary Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Alpine Club cannot, and does not, take any responsibility for the quality of the goods, services or items offered.  Adverts should be 50 words maximum.  No photographs.

In addition to this free classified advertising, there will be a limited amount of paid display advertising.  This is available to both current members and non-members.  


Any future guidebooks published by the Club may include advertising.  This would be considered on a guide-by-guide basis and may include paid advertising.  Unpaid advertising may also appear in future guidebooks in the form of “Trip Planning Information” i.e. details of local agents, accommodation or information that assists the climber and mountaineer to plan their time in the area covered by the guide.  As the Alpine Club would wish to support the local economy, decisions regarding the inclusion of advertising, paid or otherwise, will take into consideration their potential impact upon the local economy.

Miscellaneous Printed Material

From time to time the Club may produce other printed material.  The Club has a history of producing and selling an annual Christmas Card.  This may include a reference to a mountain or climbing-based charity when the charity is the benefactor of a contribution from the sale of the Christmas Card.   Calendars and other printed material may also be produced.  Where photographs have been specifically provided by an Alpine Club member, details of the photographer will be included at the discretion of the Club’s Committee.


Electronic Media


The Club’s website details the benefits available to members:  http://www.alpine-club.org.uk/ac2/members/benefits

Member’s Benefits

For a benefit to be advertised on the Club’s website, the benefit and/or discount provided to the Club's members MUST be either:

unique to the Alpine Club
better than the member can obtain via their affiliation through the BMC

Member’s Published Books

Members may advertise, free of charge, on the dedicated page on the Club’s website any mountain or climbing related book they have written, or jointly authored, during the last year.  As well as books about climbing and mountaineering exploits, books about mountaineering history, literature, art, equipment, science, the protection of the mountain environment or conservation can be advertised.  The Club will not hold for resale any stock of these books.

The details to be provided are as follows; (1) Photo of the front cover (2) Title (3) Author’s Name (4) Publisher

Winter Walks in the Lake District

Author: Stephen Goodwin Publisher: Vertebrate Publishing

Details should be sent to the Club’s Office Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If a copy of the book is provided to the Alpine Club Library either by the author or the publisher, then the arrival of the book in the Library will be communicated via one or more of the Club’s various communication media along with other recent additions to the Library.  


This is an advertising-free medium and will not include commercial messages.

Members should not post any commercial messages, including topics in which they have a commercial interest.  For instance, commercial trips/expeditions offered by guides, left-over expedition fundraising merchandise for sale, or messages promoting books written or films produced by members.

The Club’s policy is to make every effort to send to members only communications that are relevant to them.  For example, communications regarding the Alpine Club, Alpine Club Library, George Starkey Hut Ltd, Mount Everest Foundation, Community Action Nepal, Spirit of Mountaineering, Mountain Heritage Trust, Piolet d’Or, BMC or items on mountaineering and climbing that it is considered to be of interest to the majority of members.  

Social Media

These are potential advertising media which could include commercial messages, or material of a broader range of mountain-related material than Club media such as Alpinet.  They may include the advertising of appeals or request for promotion.  Only those that are of a climbing ormountain related nature are considered, and preferably those of an alpine nature that have aclose link to the Club.  Ideally, they should be considered to be of interest to the majority ofClub members.  

As part of the offer to those advertising in the Alpine Journal, their package can include advertising across the Club’s social media platforms.  


Joint Ventures

From time to time the Club may work with a branded product producer in the provision of an event at a Mountain Festival or other event. It enters into funded expedition support by having a branded climbing fund.  It is advantageous for the Club to enter into advertising for the Alpine Journal with outdoor brands and other third parties.  These symbiotic relationships help market their products or services but at the same time ensure the Club can produce a very high standardproduct.  

Conscious of the reputational risk of being perceived to be influenced by these joint ventures, the Club ensures that the its integrity, objectivity and independence are never compromised when entering into any joint venture. Thus the Club protects its reputation as a key independent influencer in all aspects of alpinism.


Alpine Club Meets & Events

Where a member has written a book, or otherwise,  and feels able to provide a brief free lecture or talk to the members attending a meet, they are encouraged to contact one of the Meets Officers or the Club’s Office Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Honorary Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Key is that the content has a close link to the meet, thus adding value to the meet for those attending.

As part of the event copies of the book could be sold to those attending.

On rare occasions other advertising may be considered

The event or news must be alpine mountaineering and climbing related, of interest to members and must NOT be of a commercial nature.

The Club’s Privacy Policy outlines a number of organisations for which the Club welcomes the opportunity to advertise and promote events.  It also welcomes the opportunity to share news released by them.  These organisations include the Mount Everest Foundation, CommunityAction Nepal, Spirit of Mountaineering, Mountain Heritage Trust, Piolet d’Or and the BMC.  

In addition to being approached by these organisations, the Club is approached and asked to advertise through the Club’s various media, events and news by other organisations. On rare occasions the Club will advertise these organisation’s events or news on the Club’s website or free in the Club’s Newsletter.  The event or news must not be commercial and it must have a strong connection with alpine mountaineering and climbing and therefore be of interest to the membership.  

Examples that would be considered would be a free service provided by an organisation supporting  safer movement in the mountains through the provision of live maps of outdoor conditions and hazards, or a service providing information about snow-pack conditions and avalanche risk.

Examples that would not be considered would be a request to promote an event at a local climbing wall or a mountain film festival in which the Club has no involvement.

Latest Articles

  • Leading Through - The Next 6 Years +

    Leading Through - The Next 6 Years Priorities, Plans and Projects for the Alpine Club following Blencathra 2024. In 2018, the Read More
  • Bill Ruthven +

    The Club is saddened to learn of the death on 4 February of Honorary member Bill Ruthven. Bill was elected Read More
  • 2025 AC Photo Competition +

    2025 AC Photo Competition The Alpine Club is excited to announce a Members’ Photo Competition, culminating with a special exhibition Read More
  • Richard Gowing +

    We are saddened to report the death of Richard Gowing on 7 January 2025. He had been a member since Read More
  • 1

Upcoming Events

  • 12 Mar - 25 Mar
  • 28 Mar - 05 May




Use the boxes below to explore the expeditions section


Any questions relating to expeditions ? send us an email.


The AC and the MEF can provide funding for certain expeditions, the AC also has a climbing grant for AC teams


The AC holds a vast library of material relating to expeditions both online and on paper


Expeditions are at the core of the Alpine Club's purpose and culture. Use the boxes on the left to navigate the expedition section.


Any questions relating to expeditions? Send us an email.


The AC and the MEF can provide funding for certain expeditions, the AC also has a climbing grant for AC teams


The AC holds a vast library of material relating to expeditions both online and on paper.