
The Club is pleased to be able to use its premises and resources, along with its renowned archive of mountaineering reports, books, art and artefacts to host and curate exhibitions that celebrate mountain history and culture. As well as spotlighting the work of contemporary artists and academics, the Club has also worked to mark key mountaineering anniversaries; bringing together records of the past to keep our history alive and engaging for climbers and the wider community alike.

Individual exhibitions may vary, but most take place at our Charlotte Road Club House.

A full list of past and upcoming exhibitions is shown below.

Glaciers Exhibition - Featured Works on The Watercolour World

Glaciers Exhibition - Featured Works on Watercolour World

Our current exhibition, 'Glaciers', is a wonderful opportunity to see paintings of mountain glaciers from the last 200 years. Featuring works from the likes of Ruskin and Loppé, the exhibition brings together some startlingly evocative pieces from our collection.

Find out how to visit here.

While there is a huge benefit to seeing these remarkable works in person, for those who are unable to attend, we are pleased to be able to provide online curations that together feature nearly all of the paintings in the exhibition.

The first is available on ArtUK, with the remaining pieces laid out below with links to view them on The Watercolour World which holds a large collection of digitised watercolour paintings, including many from the Alpine Club collections. To see a larger version of any of these images, simply right-click the painting in question. 

'Bachalpsee Glacier', Arthur Croft, (1874)

'Breithorn Glacier', Unknown Artist

'Part of the Oberland from the Simplon'
, Henry George Willink, (1880)

'Fee Glacier and Allalinhorn', Hilda Marion Hechle

'Mer de Glace - from the Montanvert', Unknown Artist, (1855)

'Mer de Glace', Unknown Artist

'Aiguille Verte and Dru', George Barnard, (1877)

'Auldjo's Party Passing a Crevasse', John Auldjo, (1828)

'The Ascent of Mont Blanc by John Auldjo's Party in 1827: Sheltering During a Storm', John Auldjo, (1828)



Women with Altitude

Women With Altitude

From November 2021 to January 2022, the Alpine Club hosted a joint exhibition in partnership with the Pinnacle Club to celebrate the last century of female mountaineering. Held in the centenary year of the Pinnacle Club, the exhibition profiled 12 pioneering female climbers who had been members of one or both clubs in the previous 100 years. With the exhibition's run now at an end, we are making the exhibition materials available online. These include the complete displays for each of the 12 profiled women, a video walk through of the exhibition hosted by Alpine Club librarian Beth Hodgett and a collection of educational resources for young people that were produced to accompany the exhibition.

The sampling of the banners included below feature QR codes which, when scanned, will direct you to a sound recording of the profiled individual or a contemporary reading of something they wrote during their lifetime. To scan the QR code, simply click on the banner, select to expand it by using the icon in the top left corner of the image, focus on the QR code using your phone's camera and follow the link that is generated. The audio recording will play automatically.


Display Banners


The additional banners and photographs of the exhibition displays can be viewed in the exhibition booklet below:


Video Walk Through


Exhibition Videos

100 Years of the Pinnacle Club:


Educational Resources

A variety of resources were produced to accompany the exhibition and are tailored to young people from KS2 to KS4 (7-16). Click the link below to access a pdf booklet of the resources.




'Women With Altitude' - 100 Years of Female Alpinism in the PC & AC

2021 marks 100 years since the foundation of The Pinnacle Club, one of the UK’s only all-women climbing clubs. As part of their centenary celebrations, the Pinnacle Club have partnered with the Alpine Club to host ‘Women with Altitude’, an interactive exhibition that profiles ground-breaking female alpinists from the last 100 years of both clubs.

As in so many areas of history, the lives and accomplishments of female climbers have often been overlooked, forgotten or diminished. This exhibition seeks to rebalance that narrative by making the biographical details of these women’s lives accessible and by foregrounding their stories with the use of their own words and possessions.

Alongside biographical displays for the 12 featured climbers, visitors will also be able to listen to audio recordings via QR codes, (a smartphone will be necessary for this element of the exhibition), and view a number of films featuring the profiled climbers. It is our hope that a combination of traditional exhibition materials, such as artefacts and displays, alongside these interactive elements will bring these women to life for a modern audience and allow us all to more fully engage with their stories.


Micheline Morin, Nea Morin & Alice Damesme at the Aigle Hut after completing the Meije Traverse
Dorothy Pilley

The exhibition will link these historic stories to the present using a timeline of women's achievements that runs up to the present day and shorter profiles of contemporary female mountaineers.

The exhibition is located at the Alpine Club’s premises of 55 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3QF and will run from 8 November to 8 January with closures on the 9 November, 14 December and for the Christmas period of 20 December to 5 January.

It is open 10AM – 5PM Monday to Friday, with extended opening to 9PM on Thursdays.

Entry is free and on a drop-in basis, but we do ask that larger groups of 8 or more visitors make a booking in advance by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ensure we can accommodate you. 

As part of the exhibition, the Pinnacle Club and Alpine Club have commissioned the production of teaching materials to be used by visiting school groups. The materials are linked to the national curriculum and are designed to accommodate children from KS2 to KS4 (11-16 years of age). If you are aware of any schools or youth organisations who may be interested in arranging a visit to the exhibition, please get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details.



Everest: by 'Those Who Were There'

2021 marks the centenary of the first expedition to Mount Everest. To commemorate the occasion, The Alpine Club is hosting a landmark exhibition entitled ‘Everest: By Those Who Were There’ at its premises of 55 Charlotte Road, Shoreditch, EC2A 3QF.
The exhibition uses the words of expedition members from 1921, 1922 and 1924 to explore the mountain as a symbol of adventure and a site of significant tragedy. As well as diary entries and hand-written notes, visitors can explore the art works and photography produced on the expeditions, as well as the clothing and equipment that was first used to climb the mountain.
Today every detail of Everest, from its precise dimensions to the exact wind speed on its summit, can be accessed at the click of a button. But for the men of these early expeditions, it was an entirely different prospect. In 1921, even its exact location was uncertain and the first expedition undertook a 200-mile trek across Tibet as they, in the words of George Mallory, ‘walked off the map’ in search of it. The achievements of these expeditions, climbing as high as 8,572m in 1924, were accomplished with rudimentary equipment and no concrete understanding of the effects that such extreme altitudes would have on the human body.
Renowned mountaineer, former Alpine Club president and current Head of Exhibitions John Porter said: ‘These men lived in the true age of exploration. Driven by the need to escape the horrors of the Great War and a desire to see Britain first atop the “third pole”, they achieved the remarkable. By using their own records and possessions we hope to give visitors a true sense of the reality of the time and the incredible bravery it took for men like Mallory and Irvine to attempt the summit.’
The Expedition Party of 1921 -
(Back, L-R) Alexander FR Wollaston, Col. Charles K, Howard-Bury, Alexander M Heron, Harold A Raeburn
(Front, L-R) George Leigh Mallory, E Oliver Wheeler, Guy H Bullock, Major Henry T Morshead
Base Camp, 1922 - Photo by George Finch
‘Everest: By Those Who Were There’ opens to the public from the 21 June and can be visited on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between the hours of 12:00 and 17:00 until October 16, with a closure for the month of August and the 27/28 July. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book in advance of your visit. If you do not book in advance, we are sadly unable to guarantee entry. If you would like to visit at a time and date outside of our listed opening hours, please don't hesitate to get in touch and we will do our best to facilitate a visit.
Items on display include: a photograph taken on Everest by Howard Somervell in 1924 which was, at the time, the highest photograph ever taken; watercolour paintings of Everest; and Sandy Irvine’s ice axe, lost on Everest during his fateful summit attempt with Mallory in 1924, and discovered in 1933.
In addition to the exhibition itself, the Alpine Club Library has also produced an accompanying catalogue, laying out the aims, logistics and accomplishments of the three 1920s expeditions. Complete with high quality reproductions of expedition photography, maps and art work, this commemorative publication is sure to become a collector's item for any Everest or mountaineering enthusiast and we recommend purchasing early to avoid disappointment. Copies will be available at the exhibition itself and can also be purchased via the dedicated catalogue page.

The club is indebted to numerous volunteers for their incredible effort in assembling the exhibition, and in particular to our Honorary Librarian, Barbara Grigor-Taylor, for her helming of this project. Almost all of the exhibits on display have been drawn from the Alpine Club Library's collections and the work of our dedicated volunteers cannot be overstated.
We hope that both club members and the wider public will take advantage of this incredible opportunity to see so many iconic facets of climbing history on display together for the first time.