
Here is a list of Alpine Club meets. Select additional pages using the numbers at the bottom. A list of past meets is can be seen by clicking here.

The Meets programme provides great opportunities for fellow members to get to know each other in the climbing areas of the UK and the mountains of the world.  UK meets in particular offer the chance for members to drop in, even if it's just for an evening drink.

New members have often attended meets as guests of members before they joined and their presence on meets is particularly welcome both to widen their circle of acquaintance and to assist with maintaining that tradition of openness to prospective members. Non-members may attend meets as guests of members at the discretion of the meet coordinator.

Before attending please read the Meet Guidelines.

Interested in organising a meet?  It's easy! Click here to find out more.  

Events Calendar

12th AC Saas Aspirants Meet
From Saturday 16 August 2025
To Saturday 30 August 2025
Contact Nicholas Smith
Saturday 16 August 2025

Based in the Saas Valley, Switzerland at the Camping am Kapellenweg, this meet is aimed at aspirant members in their first or second alpine season, and full members keen to refresh their skills.
 The Saas valley is flanked by numerous 4,000m peaks with dozens of mixed climbs in the lower grades, and is blessed with excellent transport links.

Please note: For those members attending the subsidised training, minimum attendance for the meet is 1 week.

The meet has 36 places, and starts with two days spent developing alpine techniques with four mountain guides, including crevasse rescue and moving together, led by AC member Owen Samuel. The cost of the guides is subsidised by the AC.
All members are welcome to attend the meet, even if not taking part in the formal instruction.
Those wishing to attend the formal training should read the information sheet and complete the application form below.

The meet also welcomes members not taking part in the aspirants course and, in past years, has been extremely well attended by established members who have had the opportunity not only to climb, but also to meet and get to know younger members. If you would like to attend the meet and stay at the Camping am Kapellenweg, but do not wish to take part in the formal training, please send the following info to Nick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

  1. Full name.
  2. Date of birth.
  3. Dates of attendance.

You will be asked to fill in an on-line contact form and declaration nearer the time.

We look forward to seeing you in Saas!